Blazing Saddles: Outrageously Hilarious

Tags: blazing saddles

Blazing Saddles (1974)

4.1 out of 5

Genre: Western Comedy, Satire

Movie Information:

Director: Mel Brooks

Mel Brooks is a comedic legend known for his outrageous humor and parodies of various genres. “Blazing Saddles” is considered one of his crowning achievements.

Lead: Cleavon Little

A respected stage actor, Little delivers a breakout performance as the black sheriff.

Lead: Gene Wilder

Known for his comedic timing, Wilder shines as the reluctant gunslinger.

The Movie's Business

Box Office Performance: • North American Gross: $119,600,000 (a major commercial success), Worldwide Gross: Not Available (exact figures unavailable, but did well internationally)


Blazing Saddles throws a comedic grenade into the traditional Western genre. Bart (Cleavon Little), a reluctant black sheriff, is appointed to a corrupt frontier town by a villainous politician hoping to drive out the residents. Unlikely hero Waco Kid (Gene Wilder) joins Bart to combat the escalating chaos. 

The film lampoons Western tropes with outrageous sight gags, slapstick humor, and dialogue riddled with puns and wordplay.

blazing saddles 1974 require viewing movies

Required Viewing Movies: Review


Blazing Saddles is a hilarious and subversive comedy that pushes boundaries with its relentless assault on political correctness. 

Mel Brooks’s direction is fast-paced and energetic, perfectly capturing the film’s anarchic spirit. 

The comedic performances are phenomenal, with Cleavon Little bringing dignity and humor to his role and Gene Wilder stealing scenes as the quick-witted Waco Kid. 

The film’s sharp social commentary, delivered through its humor, offers a surprising depth beneath the silliness.


The film’s humor is crude and offensive at times, relying heavily on racial stereotypes and toilet gags. 

This may be off-putting to some viewers. 

The rapid-fire jokes can be overwhelming, and the plot itself is thin, serving mainly as a framework for the gags.

Why Blazing Saddles is Required Viewing

Blazing Saddles is a masterpiece in anti-racism. And this statement is especially poignant given its era. The film is definitely ahead of its time and less astute viewers might miss the over-the-top comedic and ridiculous depiction of overt racism. Despite its crass humor, “Blazing Saddles” remains a hilarious and influential comedy. It’s a film that challenges genre conventions and societal norms through laughter. However, viewers should be aware of the film’s offensive content before diving in.

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